Historical essence, mahogany is hard, resistant and extremely compact wood that combines long life with the charm of its fine texture twisted fiber.
Wood with deep roots in history, it was used first by the British in the eighteenth century then by the French in the nineteenth century, for fine furniture, doors, musical instruments and decorative items.
Lots of the specimens in Louis XVI, Directoire and Empire styles were manufactured just mahogany. The sapwood is whitish and the heartwood brown or reddish-brown, richly veined.
Family: Meliaceae
Scientific names: Swietenia mahogany, Swietenia candollei, Swietenia macrophylla, Swietenia cirrhata.
Origin: Central and South America, West Indies, Equatorial Africa.
Weight: Ranges from 450 to 850 kg / m3 with a mean value of 600 Kg / m3.
Drying: No difficulties.
Processing: Easy to work with good results, jointing with nails and screws is very effective. Suitable for carving and refined finishes.
Main uses: Luxury Joinery, decorations, furniture.